JYP/ Alpha Audition 2012- How to apply (updated on 2nd January 2012)

Those of you who have been waiting for this, the registration was finally opened last night. The JYP/ Alpha 2012 Audition will be held on 14 and 15 January 2012. Here are the details and a little guide.

Date: 14, 15 January 2012
Time: 8.30am
Venue: MDIS Queenstown Campus auditorium

How to apply
1) Go to http://audition.jype.com/singapore/
2) Read the instructions given
3) When you are ready, click ‘apply’ at the bottom of the page
4) The following will pop up

– Please write your full proper name (as in your i/c or passport)
*IMPT- Please do not write your internet user name. You will not be able to change it as the name will appear in your form
– Please write your email address and click ‘ok
*IMPT- Do not click ok for the second line yet

You will receive an instant verification code in the email that you apply with above. If you do not see it in your inbox, look in your spam/ junk mail folder.
– The code should begin with ‘JYPExxxxxxxxx’. Key in this code in the space – ‘verification through email process’
– Click ‘ok

You will get a pop-up meesage from JYPE. This is essentially for Koreans who have joined JYPE as their member. Ignore the message and click ‘ok

You will get the application form.

You will notice that your name and email address have already been filled in based on what you wrote earlier. You cannot change them on the form, so be careful what you fill in at the earlier stage.

1) Key in your date of birth. Only numbers accepted
2) Select your nationality. It is by default, ‘Korean’ so remember to change it (unless you are Korean)
3) Make sure you indicate if you are male or female
4) Select the category you are applying for. You can only apply for one category, so choose the one you are most confident in
5) If you are still a student, write your school name. If you are working, write your occupation
6) Fill in your height and weight
7) Key in your contact number. The handphone/ cellular number is compulsory. If you do not have a handphone number, key in a numnber where you can be contacted.
8 ) Click on the language that you know. You can click on more than one- ie, you may know English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
There is some error in this section. If the information on your completed form comes out different from what you filled in, (ie, you click Mandarin and it came out Japanese), just leave it and correct it on the day itself. *IMPT- DO NOT register again just to correct this mistake
9) Give a brief description about your career and write a short introduction about yourself. No need to be long winded, just some brief points for the judges to take note whilst you are performing as they will be looking at your application form at the same time. If you do not wish to fill in anything, just put ‘NIL’.
*IMPT- I was not able to leave them blank and had this message asking me to input the year, so I just key in the number ‘zero’.
10) Click ‘apply

A pop-up message will appear- something like ‘do you want to store content’. Basically, it’s just asking you to save and print, so click yes.

If you are linked to a printer, you will be able to print immediately. The completed application form will also sent to your email address. Remember to print 2 copies and bring it along on the audition day itself.

You will not receive any confirmation email. Your completed application form will have your registration number which you will use for checking on the day itself. This should start with ‘Singapore- xxxxxx’ on the top left hand corner of the completed application form.

Paste a passposrt/ NRIC size photo of yourself (black/ white or colour) on to the form. Remember you have to bring 2 copies of the completed application form on the audition day. DO NOT upload your photo onto the form on the internet.
*IMPT- If you are below 14 years old, you will need parental consent. If parental consent is not given, you may not be allowed to participate in the audition. On the completed audition form, please ask your parent to:
sign with FULL Name, NRIC or Passport No, HP No and the sentence “I Give Consent” below the signature.
You will receive information nearer to the audition dates which of the 2 dates you should turn up. On the spot registration is allowed on the audtion dates. However, take note that priority will be given to those who have registered earlier. So you may not be able audition if there is insufficient time.

I think I have given as clear as possible a step-by-step guide on how to apply for the audition. If you have more queries, do check with Alpha Entertainment on their FB.

Please prepare carefully the requirements as stated on the application page. As mentioned earlier in my Alpha Audition post, they view the ability to follow instructions as important.

For questions on contract and training, please direct your queries to Alpha Entertainment as I am neither an employee of Alpha Entertainment nor JYPE and am unable to give you the wright answers.

More updates will be provided later.

In the meantime, good luck to all who are applying.

About tiffany