Tiffany in Kimchiland is very pleased to work together with the organiser of Sundown Festival and offer the sale of the tickets here on this blog. What’s the difference between ordering via me and via Sistic? Well..
‘티파니 인 김치랜드’는 썬다운 페스티벌 주최측과 함께 티켓 판매를 진행하고 있습니다.
시스틱을 통해 판매되고 있는 티켓 구매에 불편을 느끼시는 싱가폴 한인 여러분들을 위해, 아래와 같은 티켓 판매 방법을 제공해 드리고 있습니다.
1) you save on the administrative charge of $3 charged by Sistic
시스틱 티켓 구매시 발생하는 수수료 $3불 면제 (주최측에서 직접 티켓을 받아 판매하기 때문에, 수수료를 절약하실 수 있습니다.)
2) you get your ticket mailed to you directly free
티켓을 우편으로 무료 배송해 드립니다.
Now I think that’s a pretty good deal. ^^
Terms to note:
1) The ticket price is S$85.
티켓 가격은 S$85불입니다.
2) Last day for sale of ticket is on 7th December, 2359.
마지막 티켓 판매일은 2009년 12월 9일 오후 11시 59분 까지 입니다.
3) All payments must be made by 8th December, 1400.
모든 지불은 2009년 12월 8일 오후 2시까지 완료되어야 합니다.
4) For purchase of 1-3 tickets, the tickets will be mailed out via normal post.
Note: I will not be responsible for lost mail. If you wish to receive the tickets via registered mail, please add $2.50 to the cost of the ticket.
1~3매 티켓 구매 시 일반 우편으로 발송됩니다.
주의 : 우편 분실 시 책임지지 않습니다. 만약 등기 우편으로 우송 받기 원하시면 우편료 $2.50을 추가해 주시기 바랍니다.
5) For purchase of 4 tickets and above, the tickets will be mailed out to you via registered mail.
4매 이상 티켓 구매 시 등기 우편으로 우송해 드립니다.
6) Payments to be made via bank transfer or cheque.
지불은 은행 송금 또는 수표를 발송해 주시기 바랍니다.
If you are interested in buying the tickets and supporting this fantastic, fun event, please drop me an email at- qingsmedia@gmail.com
썬다운 페스티벌 티켓 구매 및 행사후원에 관심 있으신 분들은 qingsmedia@gmail.com로 이메일 주시기 바랍니다.
Meet-and-Greet passes promotion
The very nice people at Sundown Festival have also given me a pair of the very precious, limited, exclusive passes to be given away on this blog.
You will get a chance to meet all the artistes- FT Island, Brown Eyed Girls, T-Max, Mario and Lee Ji Su at this “Meet-and-Greet” session on the 11th December. Yup, all of them, up close and personal. Now, that’s something that doesn’t happen everyday.
How to win the passes?
1) Buy a ticket to the Sundown Festival (either through sistic, via me on this blog or anywhere else…as long as the tickets are legal ^^).
2) A question will be asked within the next few weeks here on my blog. Just answer the question and you may just win the pass. When will I ask the question? Err… I haven’t decided yet.
With much thanks to Bo Yi of Boom! Korea for the Korean translation. ^^
oh do post the question soon? i want e tickets~!
Wow! Would be looking forward to th questions 😀
Can't wait for your questions ^^ Really nervous..i would be looking forward then..haha. 😀