This is just a summary of Episode 3. I don’t understand all the dialogues, and so don’t have many of the details. Hopefully the subs will come out quickly so I can fill in the blanks.
Hyeon Go spots the half-face man, Sa Ryang (he is a subordinate of the elder of the Tiger clan) in the market and asked Suzini to follow him. She found out that Ho Gae’s mother was getting some very strong poison from him. The poison is so strong that it would kill someone within a month.
That night, when Dam Deok went back to the library, he found a present from Ki Ha. It’s some sort of a shin guard. I guess when he stumbled the other night whilst trying out his martial arts moves, she found that his legs weren’t very strong? Anyway, he practices hard and Ki Ha watches secretly with a sweet smile when she found him using the shin guard.
Ho Gae is back from a victorious battle (hmm…isn’t he the same age as Dam Deok…which would make him about 14 or 15? Seems a little young leh.) There is much celebration at their house. That night, Dam Deok came with rewards of gold and other treasure for Ho Gae from the King. I think his mother is angry because those gifts would have been his if he became King. Anyway, she became drunk and very emotional. Dam Deok told Ho Gae that he understands it’s because of him.
Ho Gae’s mother came to visit the King…I can’t really understand the dialogue, only that it’s about Ho Gae. The King suffered from stomach pains after drinking tea and Dam Deok went in search of some medicine. He came to Shin Dang’s garden and saw Ki Ha, together with all the other girls. He asked her if she knew anything about medicine and begs her to take a look at his father, the King as there aren’t many people he can trust. He feels he can trust her.
She diagnosed that the King is being poisoned. That night, she asked for the antidote from Sa Ryang (the half face man). She knows its poison from their clan. I can’t really understand what the elder of the Tiger Clan said.
The next day, the King’s guards stop the doctor from administrating the medicine and searched his house. There, Ki Ha found the poison and the guard found some gold. Dam Deok knows that it is Ho Gae’s mother who is behind this as they were the same gold given to Ho Gae and his family. I think it has some sort of a royal crest on it.
He is frustrated as he knows the Yon family is probably even more powerful than the King. He told his teacher not to worry, he will not do anything unless he is sure of winning.
Ho Gae sees Ki Ha and stopped to speak to her. He is obviously smitten with her as he asked her if she remembers who he is. And then there is another long conversation between Dam Deok and Ho Gae…which I can’t catch.
That night, Dan Deok was troubled about the whole situation. He is good friend with Ho Gae and they are cousins. I think he feels helpless as he wants to help his father. He has to make a decision. Ki Ha gave him much encouragement and at the end, he said, “Always be by my side. When I turn around, let me always see you”. Awww…
The next day, he summoned Ho Gae’s mother and confronted her. But before that, he made sure Ho Gae was surrounded and trapped by his own guards. Dam Deok tricked Ho Gae’s mother into believing that Ho Gae had already signed a confession and is now under Dam Deok’s control (at least I think it’s that). Ho Gae’s mother had no choice. I think Dam Deok sort of made a pact with the mother that Ho Gae will not be implicated if it stops now. Ho Gae’s mother then took the poison and drank it. She dies in front of Ho Gae. But before dying, she told him that he must become King and to be careful of Dam Deok.
Ho Gae is of course devastated. Actually, I think Ho Gae’s father sort of guess and know what’s going on. Dam Deok told the Yon family about the poison at the mourning.
I’m impressed with all the cast so far…everyone played their parts well and the whole storyline was fast paced and interesting.
The child actors are amazing. The boy playing the young Dam Deok, Yoo Seung Ho is rather amazing. I think he manages to display the courage and wisdom befitting one of the greatest king of Korea when he confronted Ho Gae’s mother.

I like his attire in here and some of the actions are so like Bae Yong Joon.

He is good too but he looks a little too old compared to the rest. Cydevil on soompi said he is 25. Wow!

The young Suzini has such a impish smile. ^^

Isn’t she sweet but she also displayed some amazing martial arts moves. Ho Gae’s mother is Kim Seon Kyeon and is a stage actress. She is so good. Just look at her eyes.

wow.. wow… dat’s fast, tiff! hehehe
not really lah but I thought I’d better do this now as I will be out tonight.
I wayched half of it last night and the half this morning. Was really sleepy so I may not have concentrated as much as I could. Hope the summary will help everyone till the subs or translations are out.
Hi tiffany,
This is the first time I comment in your blog. I started going back to your last few posts and I am soooo hooked to your wonderful writing. You have such immense knowledge about Korean entertainment (and Asian too) and it opens up my eyes to so many different artists. This is truly a great find, may I link your blog to my little humble one?
Thank you so much for translating episode 3 for us. Wow, your Korean must be really good. Now I understand how Hogae’s mother died and why he hated Damdeok so much later. Your kind effort is very much appreciated.
love … Jaime
Hi Tiffany,
Like jaime, this is my first comment in your blog, too — I will come back here often!
Sooo many thanks for your summaries! I don’t mind not having all the dialogue, I just need enough info to be able to follow this complicated storyline, and that’s what you’re giving to us.
Thanks to you, gaulsan and the others who are translating, things are now beginning to make sense!
And I totally agree about the child actors, they are unbelievably good — young Damdeok really does have some of DD’s (YJ) characteristics, esp with his kindness and his anger.
I’m going to watch it all again this weekend and hopefully I will understand a lot more of what is going on and who’s who, haha!
Hi Jamie…
You’re making me blush with your compliments. I don’t know as much as some of the people out there….
As for my Korean…I just know the basics….I’ve often gotten scolding from my teacher because I didn’t study as hard as I should.
I’ll pay a visit to your blog later. Hope this summary has been of help.
Hi coco…
Glad you found this useful. I’m just sorry I don’t understand enough Korean to know all the dialogues…I’m sure I’m missing out on some impt details. Luckily we have people like Gaulsan and Suehan to help. PLus many people on soompi…I wouldn’t have managed otherwise.
Can’t wait for next week. ^^
this is really a splendid drama even though only three episodes have only been shown thus far. episode 1 is like a movie in itself. can’t wait for the coming episodes as well…
Hi Tiffany,
Thanks a lot for these translations, these are a big help for us who need English subs, I watch the show first and read the translation and watch it again very very helpful. Thanks a lot to other Korean sisters who translated very fast for us.
I meant I thank Tiffany for this translation as well as the other Korean sisters who are also translating, very fast for us.
hi tiff~ ^^
soo our cable channel dropped KBS world and i was glad that I can now have MBC~ problem is I havent seen the first 3 eps of Legend :/
I was really looking forward to this one… anyway, I hope this Wed. Legend comes on or i’ll flip out ^^
heehee I got school but I got no time to DL kdramas~ just got time to watch them off the TV heehee
and thanks fr this :]
Hi coolsmurf
I’m really enjoying the drama so far… helps that BYJ is in it. ^^
Hi Yee…
You’re welcome. Hopefully I ahven’t got anything wring and confused everyone. ^^
Yes, a very much thanks to those who did the translations.