The other day, someone asked me which Korean band would command heart-stopping, frenzy-chasing fans in the thousands at the moment in Singapore. Given that Big Bang has just released their latest album after a hiatus of nearly 3 years, it would have to be them of course (btw, their latest album is really rather good. More about that later). I believe there is a bidding war out there in an effort to bring them here…so let’s just cross our fingers and hope for the best.
Besides Big Bang, there are a number of other concerts both big and small, fan meets, autograph session etc lined up for this year. I think K Pop is here to stay for a while. However, my personal grouse is- why must it be a band…or specifically, a boy band?????
I have nothing against all these bands, some of which are pretty good. But at the risk of affending some of the fans out there, these bands, especially the new ones, take a while before they develop their own style. Super Junior, Big Bang, DBSK (& JYJ) all have been around for some time before you can even look at them and yeah…that’s their style. For the rest of the bands…whether boy or girl bands….from their dancing to dressing to make-up – they are all alarmingly similar. Alamak, even their names are similar sometimes. But every concert/ event organiser wants to bring in the boy bands..because they think that’s where the market is. Sure, if you want the teenagers market, bring in your Teen Top, your Infinite, your SHinee etc.
But what about us? Us as in the I-want-to-sit-down-and-listen-to-some-good-singers concert?
Ok, ok…the slightly more matured crowd.
Granted, I’m not going to be screaming my head off at the airport to welcome these artistes. I’m not going to rent a taxi and chase them round the island in the hope of waylaying them at some toilet for an autograph. I probably won’t even queue overnight for concert tickets. Sorry, this ajuma cannot camp out in the cold overnight anymore. I need my beauty sleep.
But give me a good concert with good singers in a venue that I can sit in comfort and where I can get tickets effortlessly via a stable internet connnection. And I would be willing to pay serious good money. I’m convinced I’m not alone.
So in the hope that some event organisers out there would be reading this post (maybe those of you who do know them can spread the word??? Tiffany hopes…) Here’s my wish list, in no particular order.
Baek Ji Young
Have you heard her voice? If you have watched ‘Secret Garden‘ or ‘Iris’, you would have heard her haunting, powrful voice. Imagine her singing ‘That Woman’. Of course, it would be great if I can hear Hyun Bin sing ‘That Man’ too but as he is going to get an ultra short hair-cut soon and defend his country for the next 2 years, I guess I’ll have to wait.
Lee Seung Gi
Most would know Lee Seung Gi from the immensely popular reality show- ‘1 Day, 2 Nights’, (side news- Uhm Tae Woong has just joined the team) or perhaps his last drama, ‘My Girlfriend is a Nine-Taled Fox’, but before that, he was first a singer. Last year, he held a sold-out concert in Korea at the Olympic Stadium. Some of freinds flew over just to watch the concert. If he performs here, they would probably be very willing to camp overnight to ensure good seats. And no, they are not teenagers. Aiyoh, he so cute and funny.
Will You Marry Me?
My Girlfriend is a nine-tail fox- Losing My Mind
Sung Si Kyung
This guy just finished his military service last year and I’m still waiting for him to release an album. But he did release a single with IU last year. Great combination. He also sang a song in ‘Secret Garden’– You Are My Spring. But what I would really like to hear is his live rendition of ‘On the Street’ from his 5th album. Did you know that he’s been in Singapore before? Years ago when K Pop wasn’t hot then? There was a mini fan meet hosted by Li Yi. I think my friend even won an auotgraphed cd or poster from him, despite not knowing who he is. hehehe!
Sung Si Kyung & IU- It’s You
Sung Si Kyung- On the Street
Bobby Kim
I saw him performed live at The Esplanade last year. And it left me me wanting more. I fell in love with his voice ever since I heard him on the ost for ‘Fashion 70’s’. Man, he has one sexy voice. He sang Love Recipie together with Gummy in the movie, ‘Finding Mr Destiny’. (Btw, it’s showing in our local cinemas now. Go watch it now if you haven’t. Gong Yoo and Im Su Jong are really funny in it).
Finding Mr Destiny- Love Recipie
Bobby Kim- A Whale’s Dream
Lee Hyun
I’ve loved 8Eight evebr since they debuted. Recently, Lee Hyun has released a couple of albums on his own and also teamed up with other singers. His duet with Changmin of 2Am received alot of interest. I must say the mv was pretty funny. He has just released another mini album with the hit song, You Are The Best of My Life. He would be eye candy for the younger girls. ^^ Hmm…maybe can get Changmin of 2AM to come too?
Lee Hyun & Changmin- I was able to Eat Well
Lee Hyun- You Are the Best of My Life
I’ve got quite a few more artistes I would love to watch perform live. But I’m quite happy to start with the above.
K Pop concert with a difference? Can? Alternatively, bring in the Secret Garden and Dream High concert. That would also make me part with my $$$$$. ^^
What about you? Who would be on your list?
My list:
Shin Hye Sung, Lee Hyun Woo (singer), Baek Ji Young – i luv this song ->Like a Bullet Hit Me, Lee Seung Gi, Tei
BAEK JI YOUNG. she’s so awesome!!! loved her IRIS OST “Don’t Forget”. Exceptionally meaningful in the context of the story line. And of course, agreeing with Tei with the bullet song. absolutely amazing.
I-want-to-sit-down-and-listen-to-some-good-singers concert,I luv this and you’re not alone Tiffany, I’ll definitely willing to go with you if they really come here, how if I add Alex-Clazziquai in your list ^ ^
Wow! your list is amazing~~I like Baek Ji Young too…I do like boybands but not all and only those really with singing skills…
My list will be: Beast(which i attended their Encore in Feb’11), 2AM(attended their first concert in Dec’10, 8eight was their guest and their performance was awesome), Baek Ji Young, Lee Sung Chul, 8eight
See… I was right. Judging from the above response. I love all those that you people mentioned too…Tei, Lee Seung Chul, Clazziquai (I saw them performed live some years ago. They were good), Hye Sung and one my fac that I left out- Kim Bum Soo. Of the many new boy bands, Beast make it to my list too.
Sigh… How? Think we should start a poll and petition to the event organiser?
I really want a concert where singing is the focus rather than the dancing.
i would like to see the above singers mentioned too !! and also 4Men !!
for once, i would really want to attend an event with no screaming fans.. just sitting back and enjoy the performance 🙂
AFive! An acapella group who covers pop songs. They came for Singapore’s Acapella Festival last year. Really good! Imagine ‘Gee’ and ‘Nobody’ sung acapella by a grp of 5 young men…
I agree – quality singing concert pls!
Include Eru too. His songs are very nice…. 🙂
Wow.. i have some of those names u mention.. i would wan to add 4MEN, BES, Kim Tae Woo, Tei, IU to the list oso.. but then how many pple will actually pay to see these vocally fantastic but inki not tat high artists 🙁
Stephanie, I think got market. Of course it won’t be 4,000 to 5,000 kind of crowd. But I think can draw 1,000 – 2,000 people if there are at least 2-3 artistes performing. And they will probably be less expensive than bringing in a 4-8 members boy band.
L- Eru is ok too. Like I said, I’m happy to start off with any of he above good singers. If the concert is successful, then event organisers will be confident to bring in the rest.
Nightdreams- I agree about the screaming fans. Sigh…
Seung Gi might be dropping his MCing for Strong Heart to focus on his next drama.. though nothing has been said yet, but it looks like there is a high chance he will do so.. since he only publicly said that he will record 1N2D until his army enlistment. He didn’t mention about Strong Heart.
With the next drama filming, i hope he will have time to visit other asia countries after the filming. I hope he will come here…. if he does, i’m going to die without regret.. He is really very good looking in person.. so different from photo…. this boy is just not photogenic… but in person, he is really very very good looking… i nearly fainted last year…hahaha…tall (1.8m) and had a small face (he has an oval shaped face, but on picture, he looks like his face is round…)
Baek Ji Young, Lee Seungki, Hyunbin & 5 members of TVXQ for me <3
Glad that you posted this wishlist=)
We really need more non-idol and pure musician to be introduced here.
4MEN & SG Wannabe, Hard-core k-drama fans will know them for sure:)
Simply pass them the mic, no need of dramatic lights or fascinating outfits, a live band and that’s it. Oh my god, I can imagine me drowning in their voices.
Indie rock bands need more attention too!
10cm and Mate! Definitely on my top wish list~
Debut not long ago, 10cm is already getting more attention nowadays after their “americano”, simple and straightforward!
Sigh. If only more people can truly appreciate real music(alright dont get me wrong, kpop nowadays are good music too), hopefully more people can learn to appreciate the most important factor of being a real musician – the voice.