This post is a little late…but better late than never right?

After all the fiasco with the ticketing at Gatecrash, I think everyone was really glad that the day of the showcase finally. Proof Label held the showcase at a rather unusual venue- the National University Arts Centre. Or least, I would never have thought of it. But besides the constraint of the number of seats, it was a good choice in terms of seating arrangement and sound system.
The show started pretty much on time and CN Blue kicked start its Singapore showcase with an electrifying piece. It got the fans screaming (though the fans would would still be screaming anyway even if they had sang a super slow number. hehe!). This was followed almost immediately by Let’s Go Crasy and Love Revolution. It was good to hear these boys sing live and the 4 boys seemed to be enjoying themselves too.

They finally introduced themselves in English. Although it was just simple greetings, it was still great to hear them speak in English. I think Min Hyuk drove the audience mad by saying he hope to visit Singapore more often. ^^ I was just a little thrown off by Yong Hwa’s comment that he had heard about the famous chilli crab and they were going to try that later. Huh? where did that come from? Maybe the boys were hungry. Wahaha! No matter, the fans still screamed their heads off anyway.
Min Hyuk then announced that they were going to sing I’m a Loner (yeah!, Love Lights and Love, which would be the last song??
Anyway, there was a bit of delay as it seems Min Hyuk had lost his ear aids. So Jong Hyun sang a song that was not familiar to me. I found out later that it was Maroon 5′s Sunday Morning(thanks to C.N.Blue Storm. It was nice to hear Jong Hyun singing solo. ^^

And then they sang one of my favourite song and the one that made them famous (and also controversial)- I’m a Loner. I was tapping along as I continue to record the show. hehe! It was funny when Yong Hwa actually hushed the audience (who continued to scream away…aiyoh!) because they were going to sing Love Light. I like this song very much too. It’s one of those songs that made me think of sun, sea and hammock. : ) A very summery song and one that brings a smile to my face. It was even better when the audience sang the chorus together with the boys (nope…this ajuma cannot remember the lyrics…).
And finally it was the last song, LOVE. But it was so obviously not going to be the last song, coz Yong Hwa asked if the audience would like to have more, then we would have to ask for encore. hahaha! As if he needed to ask the audience to shout for encore. The boys went backstage at the end of the song. Hmm… I didn’t realize that Min Hyuk has to wear a different pair of shoes when he’s performing. I saw him changing before leaving the stage. Interesting….
The stage lights went off, leaving only the CN Blue on the backdrop. The crowd started chanting encore and then CN Blue. They didn’t have to shout for too long though coz the boys were out after about a minute and a half. hehe! Yong Hwa acknowledged the fans on the 2nd and 3rd levels, which I thought was a nice gesture. I’m sure the fans appreciate the fact even those who bought the cheaper categories were not forgotten.
They sang I’m a Loner again but this time, it was the burning version. Not sure why they call it the burning version…I guess maybe because it’s a heavier beat to it? I prefer the original version. ^^ They then followed it almost immediately with One Time and Now or Never. By then, the crowd was pretty hyped up (so was I), and they needed little encouraging to stand up and clap their hands to the music. This is how a live band concert should be. At the end of the song, Yong Hwa, Jong Hyun and Jung Shin threw their guitar puck into the crowd, I wonder who caught them. Hmmm….
And then the showcase was really over. 🙁 I wish it was longer.
Thankfully, there was still the fan meet session.

The session started off with Q&A, all the questions were posted by the fans on Proof Label’s FB. Unfortunately, the translator’s mike wasn’t working in the beginning, so it was rather frustrating as most of us, me included couldn’t hear what he was saying.
It was funny to see Min Hyuk ‘styling’ his hair all the time. hehe!
And here’s the second part of the Q&A session. Sorry, I ran out of memory space on my recorder and had to quickly change to other source, so I missed out the reply by Min Huyuk. I think he replied that he had many school friends in the band and that’s how he picked up learning the drums. He’s played the drums for 4 years. ^^
View the 2nd part here or below:
After this Q&A session, it was time to get up close and personal. Some lucky fans were picked before the event to participate (Note: Did everyone in the audience know about this. I didn’t and from the looks and murmurs going around the hall, it seems a lot of people didn’t know about it too. Hmm…)
Anyway, check out the ‘fan service’ here. Everything also got…hugs, photo-taking to giving away their own personal items. Of course the luckiest fan must be the girl whom Yong Hwa serenaded to. There were much protests from the audience. I’m sure every fan wanted to be in that chair. ^^

What followed was a surprise to me and something that I thought was quite touching. The Singapore CNBlue fan club, had prepared a cake for them to commemorate their first ever Asia Tour. They even put together a small clip documenting the 4 boys since their debut. I thought it was really, really sweet and it reminded me very much of our Joon’s Family fan meeting with Bae Yong Joon.
Here’s that fanclub clip as shown on the showcase that day. But I’m a little puzzled why they call themselves fools. Hmm…
I’d like to think that the 4 young boys were also touched by this small gesture and hope that they will be back again as promised. I’d love to see them perform again…in a full concert.

In the meantime, I’m really looking forward to their album which should be out this month. Yeah!
I like Yong Hwa because of ‘You Are Beautiful’ (no, Jang Guen Suk didn’t steal my heart, Jong Yong Hwa did). But hor… I think I’m rather mersmerised by Jong Hyun after this trip. hehehe!
you didnt go for FTIsland's showcase? ): since you said it's the first showcase you went without dancing..
Nope. I really wanted to go. But this ajuma cannot stand the thought of queuing up to buy ticket, and then queue again to go in..and I'll probably be very far away and not sure if I can see anything. If it had been a sit down show..or if it's free standing, at least make sure got plenty of space to move around, like Fort Canning.
I too old to fight with the XMM already.