2 announcements:
Tiffany in Kimchiland is very happy to announce that it will be official blogger for Zuno’s showcase…which means, all the official events will be covered here on this blog.
Tiffany in Kimchiland, working together with the organsier, will be selling the tickets to this showcase at a special price….especially for the readers here only. ^^
How special?
Well, you will be paying $130 (instead of $150) and S100 (instead of $120). That’s not all, the tickets will be sent to you via registered mail at no extra costs once they are ready.
Is that good? hehe!
But the tickets are limited. I don’t know how limited because apparently, these tickets are being released by the Korean counterpart to Quest.
Terms to note:
1) Ticket price is $130 (usual price $150) and $100 (usual price $120). Please refer to poster for details on seating and venue.
2) The special priced tickets are limited and while stocks lasts.
3) Last day of ticket sales will be 26th April, 2359 or earlier.
4) All payments must be made by 27th April, 2359.
5) Payments to be made via bank transfer or cheque.
6) Please note the ticket will only be ready for collection or sent out in the 3rd week of April.
If you are interested in buying the ticket and watching Zuno (and Junsu) perform, then do drop me an email at qingsmedia@gmail.com
(Pssssst…I watched some of the fan clips of his performance at his Beijing’s showcase…ok lah..not bad leh.)
Zuno meet the fan session at IMM
Yup, you heard it here first…there will be a meet-the-fan session at IMM on the 2nd May. And 100 lucky fans will get to see him up close and personal on stage. And the very nice people at Quest have given me 10 passes to give away on this blog. Yes, you get to shake his hand, present your present..and declare your undying love on stage if you want to. wahaha! OK, to be frank, I don’t know the full programme at IMM that day beyond the fact that 100 fans will be picked but you will definitely be near him.
OK…here’s how you are going to win those passes.
1) Buy a ticket to Zuno’s showcase via this blog. Your name will be entered in the lucky draw automatically.
2) The winners will be announced after 26th April
For those who have already bought your tickets and the general public, don’t worry, you will still get a chance to win these passes. A question will be asked later and 3 winners will get to see Zuno at IMM. So look out for the question.
This is Zuno’s official mv from his song-放开我 (Let me go).
What do i need to do to get those passes ? i really wan to see Zuno(Junho) Close up ..
hi,are the showcase tickets still available?
Yes, the tickets are still available. Do confirm and transfer the money by tonight as I will be sending out the tickets via registered post tomorrow.
Hey, I actually emailed you because it said last order was by tonight 2359 and payment by tomorrow. Are the tickets still available, cause I haven't received a reply. :/
Hey are the tickets stil avilable? for two?
Actually only for one.. any hope?
Hi Nadhrah
I've just checked with the organiser. You can still get tickets to the showcase but collection will be at the venue itself.
I've sent you an email already.
hello sorry for the last minute comment but are the tickets to the showcase still available?
Yes it is. Please email me @ qingsmedia@gmail.com
hello! thanks for the reply! yup i've just emailed over to you! =)) hope to hear from u soon!