Viu launches new show No Sleep No FOMO

Writer: Shamane, Jessica
Photographers: Shamane, Jessica
Editor: Tiffany

It was a Wednesday afternoon, but Zouk was buzzing with excitement. It was the launch party for Viu’s first pan-regional travelogue, where viewers watch, interact and engage with the casts in the show.

The show started with a bang with a grand entrance by the stars of the show arriving on colourful vespas. Excited fans cheered loudly at the appearances of the 8 artistes, Paul Foster, Kim Jong Kook, Eric Nam, Alexander Lee, Benjamin Kheng, Nat Ho, Hana Tam and Laureen Uy.

The guests made their way onstage for the interview by party host Alan M. Wong and everyone had a first glimpse of the trailer of No Sleep No FOMO’

60 fun and exciting missions within 60 hours without sleep in 8 different countries. It promises to be one excited journey.

The cast of No Sleep No FOMO’, some of  Asia’s hottest celebrities and social media influencers, are dropped into unexpected destinations and tasked to complete the FOMO list.

In recalling their most memorable experiences, Paul mentioned that to go without sleep for 60 hours and complete an average of 45-50 missions was tough. For Eric Nam, who is used to public performances, doing a 3 minute stand up comedy in front to a full house of paying customers was nerve-wrecking. But Paul complimented on Eric doing an awesome job!

Credit: Viu Singapore

Hana Tam, Hong Kong based social media star, is scared of heights, and jumping into the waterfall in Bali was definitely the most memorable experience for her. Benjamin Kheng, however, had a more surreal experience by spending his birthday at the highest peak on Swiss Alps overlooking all the mountains. It was a beautiful day except that it was -22 degrees! He striked a yoga pose together with Paul in the freezing cold but they had much fun.

Kim Jongkook tried snake soup in Hong Kong and although he found it a little weird,  it was delicious and he would really recommend it. Paul added that the Clown, Kim Jongkook even went around Hong Kong dressed up in Chinese Emperor’s clothes! There were a lot of people whenever he went…and they had to get their missions done very quickly as Kim Jongkook only participated for 10 hours.

Going without sleep for 60 hours was really tough for Alexander Lee and the muddy buggy riding mission was even tougher. But Paul remembered a watching beautiful sunrise with him at the beach in Philippines.

Credit: Viu Singapore

Nat and Laureen went to Korea during the coldest winter period, when the temperature dropped to -11-degree where Nat had an unforgettable time snowboarding and skiing for the first time. Laureen commented that if it wasn’t for the help of Paul and Nat, she wouldn’t have made it down the slope.

Credit: Viu Singapore

To give the audience a chance to get in the mood of FOMO, Alan invited 4 Viu representatives and 6 lucky overseas fans up on stage to join the 2 teams #TeamNoSleep and #TeamNoFOMO on stageto complete 3 missions selected by Viu fans via online poll! First up was the Dance Challenge which the 2 teams had to learn and dance to the selected song, ‘TT’ by TWICE. It was hilarious to watch the 2 teams trying to get the steps right and obviously most of the cast couldn’t get the groove of it. Everyone was so enthusiastic with the urge to win! The dance teacher voted #TeamNoSleep as the winner

The 2nd challenge was the Lemon Eating Challenge, which caused the frowning sour expressions from the 2 teams alike. A big bowl of sliced lemons was offered to each team and they had to eat as many as possible within the time given. Both teams started off quite calmly and polished off the lemons very fast, and it was a close call for both teams. After careful calculation of the lemon slices, #TeamNoFOMO was the winner for this challenge!

The last challenge was the Milo Drinking Challenge. 2 big jars full of milo were presented to both teams. This round, Paul, Alexander and Nat volunteered to drink for their teams! They drank until to certain points that they looked miserable and all of us were wondering would they become Mi-lion instead? #TeamNoSleep won the last round and emerged the big winner as they won 2:1 against #TeamNoFOMO!

No Sleep No FOMO’ premiered on Viu on 22 March, 8pm. New episodes will be available on Viu every Friday in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Myanmar. Do check out the first 2 episodes which Paul Foster and Eric Nam did their missions during their adventures in Malaysia and Singapore!

For more photos, please check out Seoul Rhythm’s FB

A big thank you to Viu for the invite!


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