The doctor with the quiet smile- Joo Won


The doctor was in town and the ‘patients’ lined up in droves to see him. Never mind that it was only a flying visit and the ‘consultation’ lasted about 30 minutes. Cries of ‘Saranghaeyo’ filled the mall when he appeared.

The cast of ‘The Gang Doctor’ (Young Pal), Joo Won and Park Hye Su were invited by ONE to promote their recently ended popular drama, ‘The Gang Doctor’ in Singapore and Jarkata.

But before meeting the hundreds of adoring fans, Joo Won and Park Hye Su had a very cozy (the rather small room was packed) meeting with the local media in the swanky new Grand Park Hotel at Orchard Road.

Joo Won is one serious guy. When he smiled it was a quiet, almost demure smile. He thinks carefully and almost deeply before answering. He’s very calm. One wonders how he managed to do all those action-packed, fast scenes in the drama.



Indeed, during the press conference, he told the media that he found the action scenes the most difficult part of the whole drama. It was physically challenging- chasing after cars, jumping off bridges, filming under water. He particularly mentioned this scene where he had to drive on the street furiously but couldn’t see where he was going as there were cameras everywhere in the car including the windscreen!

It’s a wonder that he’s still in one piece.

This was Park Hye Su’s first drama, after being in K Pop Star 4 and she told the media that she was very, very nervous especially on the first day of filming. But oppa (Park Hye Su addressed Joo Won as oppa throughout the whole press conference) made her very comfortable, like a real brother, so she was very grateful for his help and support. I can quite believe Joo Won making any young girls comfortable. ^^


The funniest and most interesting moment was when the two stars were asked what kind of advice they would give themselves to their 15 years old selves.

Joo Won was momentarily stumped. It took him awhile to think and then he laughed- almost in embarrassment.

This was his answer:
Joo Won: ‘It was the World Cup then and was the biggest sporting event (in Korea). I was always a good student but I stayed away from studies. I was in puberty then and it was dark times for me. If I could give advice to the 15 years old me, it would be to enjoy the World Cup more then.’

Now what would a young Joo Won be doing at 15 years old? Wish he had elaborated more on his dark times. Hmm…

And what about Park Hye Su?

Park Hye Su: ‘I was also going through puberty then. And spending time with friends was important. So there were many quarrels with my family. The advice to the 15 years old me would be to spend more time with my parents and be a better daughter.’


After filming ‘The Good Doctor’, Joo Won had swore never to film another medical drama again. It was demanding so what made him change his mind?

Joo Won: ‘The characters and storyline for both dramas were very different. One was pure and innocent and the other was strong and rough. It was a challenging role. So I decided to do a medical drama again even though memorizing the medical terms were difficult and I had swore I would never do so again.’

It’s a good thing he agreed to the drama. ‘The Gang Doctor’ wouldn’t have been the same without him.

And for fans who are worried about Joo Won’s health (he had lost 7 kg and went without sleep for 6 days), rest assured that he is fine.


Joo Won: ‘Whenever production ends, I always gain back all the weight. Even though i eat the same amount as when I’m acting in a drama but I’m not physically active so I will be gaining a little more weight. Therefore I’m controlling my diet. It’s a huge relief that it’s finally over so I feel calmer. Though it does feel a little empty at times, I’m getting to my healthy self.’

At the Meet the Fans session that evening at Suntec, the fans saw a very healthy, happy Joo Won.


They had turned up as early as 8 in the morning to reserve the best spot and get up‐close and personal with the stars; with the first 300 fans receiving a Limited Edition set of The Gang Doctor postcards.

Up‐and‐coming singer‐actress, Park Hye Su drew loud cheers and applause from the audience with ballad, ‘Please Remember Only Me’, one of the original soundtracks from The Gang Doctor.



Joo Won gamely smiled, played games, signed autographs for the fans.




I think he’s alot more comfortable and at ease in front of fans than media. Just look at the photos.




The show is the most popular Korean prime‐time drama series of 2015, reaching above 20% and was extended by 2 episodes. Catch ‘The Gang Doctor’ again on ONE from 7 November 2015, 4.30pm. Two episodes very Saturday back-to-back.

ONE is available on: Singtel TV (Ch 513, 604) and StarHub TV (Ch 124, 820 and 823).


For more photos, please go to Seoul Rhythms’ FB.


Looking at this clip below, Joo Won gives out a very “strong, silent type’ vibe. Definitely a reason to watch the drama again.


About tiffany