Running to Kim Jong Kook

This is a way over due review….much apology…

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Kim Jong Kook held his first ever fan meeting in Singapore. It was called ‘Running Man Sparta Kim Jong Kook Singapore Fan Meeting 2013’ and was organised by Mode Entertainment.

I’m not sure how he feels about it but I have mixed feelings. I know Kim Jong Kook first as a singer and I have some of his first few albums. But without the fame of the variety show, ‘Running Man’, there could not have been a fan meeting in Singapore, for the simple fact that Kim Jong Kook is not a young idol or part of a boy band. Yes, that’s the reality.

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Still, I’m sure he must have been glad to have had the opportunity to perform before his fans in Singapore for the first time and interact with them. The fan meeting was a sell-out, no mean feat as many of the events that I have attended in recent times were only half full. And what was even more heartening to note that there was a fair number of male fans amongst the audience, who didn’t look like they were boyfriends/ husbands, dragged to the theatre by their over excited girlfriends/ wives. But of course, the girls still outnumbered the guys.

The show started about half hour late, no doubt due to the frenzy of merchandise buying on the ground floor. But it was well worth the wait when he started off the fan meet with the song, ‘Today More Than Yesterday (어제보다 오늘 더)’.

Ahhh… that voice.

It was good to hear him sing live finally.

Kim Jong Kook had lots of game time with his fans, in fact, at one point, he actually commented he wasn’t too sure why he was doing all these activities. Of course, it was all for the love of his fans. He played ‘tag’ on one leg (though he let almost all the groups through save one)

And then there was the tug of war. And this was where we all found out what a gentleman he was. He requested to change side because he didn’t want the audience to see his back (butt).

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Well, really, I don’t think any of us thought about it and I suspect some may even have been quite happy to see his but. Wahaha!

But this comes from years of experience as well as a considerate nature. A big thumbs up to him already.

There was the usual choosing a girlfriend section. But credit to him, they tried to involve everyone and hence, even those sitting on top at the circle seats had a chance. I’m gald about this as too often, only those with the most expensive tickets had the chance to be up-close-and-personal with their idols due to their proximity.

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There was also a singing competition where this small little boy stole the heart of everyone (including Kim Jong Kook) by singing part of the song, ‘Men are all like that’ from his latest album ‘Journey Home’.

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Towards the end of the fan meet, he sang a number of his songs, including

Men are all like that
Saying I Love You
One Man

Apparently, ‘Saying I Love You’ (with Yoon Eun Hye in the mv) is not a song he sings often, so Singapore fans are lucky. ^^

It was a great show, perhaps the only complaint would be there were too many games and not enough singing. But I guess as this is billed as a fan meeting, it is acceptable. But I would love to attend his proper showcase/ concert.

Kim Jong Kook albumsMy Kim Jong Kook collection

For those of you who can’t get enough of him or didn’t get a chance to see him in Singapore, he will be heading over to Malaysia for his fan meet in June, jointly organised by New Pro Star, PMP Entertainment & Running Into The Sun.

Many thanks to Mode Entertainment for the kind invitation to Kim Jong Kook’s ‘Running Man Sparta Kim Jong Kook Singapore Fan Meeting 2013’.

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About tiffany