Party with Wonder Girls in Singapore

It’s one week to their concert in Singapore and the 4th time (I think) they will step foot on Singapore. Have you bought your tickets and are you looking forward to see them?

Wonder Girls Wonder World Tour in Singapore
Date: 8 September 2012 (Saturday), 7pm
Venue: Resorts World Concention Centre, Compass Ballroom
Sites to take note: Alpha Entertainment FB, Unusual Entertainment FB, Sistic

Ticket details:
Cat 1: $228
Cat 2: $188
Cat 3: $228- Pen A (FS)
Cat 4: $228- Pen B (FS)


And as a added bonus, not only will you get to see the girls performing, you will also get to JJ Project, a (very) new group from JYP as guest performer.

One ticket to see 2 groups, now that’s what I call value for money.

Almost everyone knows Wonder Girls and their greatest hit- Nobody. With its catchy tune and easy to sing lyrice, complete with the cool retro theme and a funny MV, it shot the girls to stardom. It’s still being played often and everyone from young can sing the ‘I want nobody, nobody but you’chorus. When they first performed in Singapore for the 2008 K Pop Night, they were the hot favourites that everyone wanted to see.

They then embarked on a journey to conquer America (like many artists) and unfortunately, it’s often a case of out-of-sight, out-of-mind, especially with an average of 2-3 artistes/ groups debuting each month. So though, they had some pretty cool songs, it just didn’t seemed to make as much impact. Mind you, I believe their latest album Wonder Party did rather ok and I like this song from the album. Makes me want to get up and dance. ^^

You’ve got one week left to get the tickets to catch these girls and the very energetic JJ Project who will no doubt be bouncing away.

Catch a glimpse of the girls’ performance at their last concert in Singapore for Sony-Ericsson in 2010.


About tiffany