Ok…have you bought your tickets to CN Blue’s showcase this Saturday? I’ve just checked out Gatecrash’s website and there are still some tickets left, though for Category 3, it’s limited seats.
I was telling someone, I haven’t been that excited about a Korean band in such a long time. Judging on the fact that Gatecrash’s system crashed (pun intended) when the sales started, I guess I’m not the only one excited as well.
Considering that they only debut last year in 2009 and they can’t dance… their popularity seemed a little surprising. But maybe that’s where their appeal lies- pure music instead of slick dance moves. I guess most of the fans who like FT Island, would also like CN Blue. Both FT Island (which I like immensely as well) and CN Blue belong to the same agency- FNC Music (actually, the agency only has 2 artistes under their management). Did I say these boys can’t dance? Hehehe! Look at Yong Hwa here.
I guess CN Blue really took off after Yong Hwa’s participation in the cult idol drama, ‘You Are Beautiful’ as Kang Shin Woo. He was a total unknown at that time. In fact, he became so popular that he took over as the leader of the group from Jong Hyun…..
I know many fans were going ga-ga over Jang Guen Suk (who was good in the drama), I was drawn to quiet, cool, calm, Jung Yong Hwa.

Just months earlier, CN Blue debuted in Japan with their first single- Now or Never. Hmm… I guess it must be a marketing strategy of some sort- a Korean boy band debuts in Japan with an English album.
Anyway, they very quickly shot to the top with their debut song in Korea- I’m a loner. Whilst Yong Hwa gained my attention in the drama, it was this song that made me sit up and became a fan. I know there has been some controversy over this song re plagiarism, but I think it doesn’t detract from the fact that these guys are pretty good. And I’m glad they proved the critics wrong with their follow up second mini album, Blue Love and the hit song, Love.
But for me, I personally prefer the song, Love Light, a song that was composed and written by Yong Hwa. I believe this song is very popular with the supporters of Yong Hwa/ Seo Hyun (SNSD) as well. If you didn’t know, the two are a ‘couple’ in the popular reality series ‘We Got Married’. Take a look at the fanmade video here. I have no doubt there will be some questions raised about this at the press conference.
Besides the showcase, CN Blue will also be having a autograph signing session for a selected few on Friday night, 20th August. And for the first time, it is not going to be at IMM or Lot 10! Instead, it is at the fairly new mall- City Sqaure Mall. The mall is actually quite big though I’m not exactly sure where it is going to be held. Oh, there will be a official merchandise booth set up as well. And you can also get your teens magazine (with free poster. Whee!) at the mall on Friday. The mall was giving away 3 pairs of tickets as part of the promotion earlier. Too bad, it’s over already.
For those who wants to chase these boys, here are the flight details:
19th August, KE 641, 9.20pm, T2
21st August, KE 642, 10.50pm, T2
(this is not announced by Prooflabel, however, Korean Air is the official airline)
Love, Love, Love!
Everybody Clap! Clap! Clap!
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