The first ever K pop club party in Singapore. Were you there?
I must admit, when I first heard about this K pop club party, I was a little concerned- would it work? Would people go? I know there is interest in Korean pop music, but just how big is the interest? And as the ticket includes one free drink, that means those below 18 would be out of the party. And well, a big number of Korean dance music fans are a little young.
But I was pleasantly surprised.
They sold out all the tickets, yup, all 350 of them. Admittedly, the price was affordable- going at $15 for the early bird and $22 later. Still, it was a good turn-out. (I think the organizer must too have been worried at one point. hehe!)
The party was from 6pm to 10pm and I arrived there at just a couple of minutes before 7pm, having been instructed by Stephanie to be there before 7pm as there would be a dance performance.

At about 7.15m, these 3 girls came onto the stage to ‘warm’ the crowd up. I don’t think the crowd needed any warming up.

The dance floor started filling up without much prompting. It looks like it was going to be a hot party.

Some of the songs played? Rain’s Rainsm, SNSD’s Gee, f(X)’s LA chA TA…errr… don’t remember the rest.
I thought that it would be a young female crowd but there was quite a number of guys (though the girls still outnumbered the guys). And they don’t looked as if they were pulled along by their girlfriends.

Put on your dancing shoes
Hey, I even spotted G-Dragon… or was it Lee Hong Ki? ^^

I’m not sure how the party ended as I had to leave early. But it was still a pretty much tapping, dancing crowd when I left.

After this resounding success, the organizers, Coloured Rhythms Events, will be back with another KClub party in March, so do keep a look out for their announcement.
Hmm… some ideas…maybe can get people to dress up as their idols for the party. Wouldn’t it be fun to see a Singapore version of SNSD singing ‘Gee”? And maybe an area with a slightly bigger dance floor?
And I would have loved to try their drink- K bomb. It’s meant to be a challenge (to stay on one’s feet after the drink). Maybe the next time. 🙂
Those who went to the party (especially those who stayed till the end of the party), do drop your comments here. Would love to hear how you feel.
Congratulations to the organisers. Hopefully, there will be more interesting events from them later on.
Oh the party was great! I was having the same worries as you did but I guess it worked out in the end 😀
Thanks for the heads up, or else I wouldn't have known about this event.
The party was great, wasn't it? It was great to see everyone down on the dance floor without much prompting.
Hope you were dancing the night away to the end. ^^
how u know abt the party??
i miss out the fun….
Errr… I just know lor.
Anyway, you can look out for news on the next concert here or on their facebook. ^^
HAHA!! okays^^
thanks so much:)