Just a very quick blog about this little girl.
I’ve heard about her sometime ago but never really find out more about her or watched her video clips on youtube until today.
And like many who watched her performed, I was also moved. Not just at her talent, but also at the innocence of a 6 years old child. Yeah, I tend to get a little more soppy nowadays since my little girl came along.
Anyway, Ye Eun was born blind. She was adopted and they found out about her incredible musical ability when she was 2 years old. Since then, she has gone been invited to various shows and events. She has performed here in Singapore last year in front of PM Lee Hsien Loong and will be performing again at this year’s charity show organised by Channel U in aid of the Society of the Physically Disabled on the 6th December. Here’s the facebook link for more details about this event. Wah! Got quite a lot of stars performing.
She will also be performing at the Singapore Korean School as well as the Assisi Hospice on the 7th December. From her schedule, it seems she will have her lunch at the Korean School. I;m so glad she gets to do something so normal for a little girl. ^^
Anyway, some clips that I found really interesting (especially the ones involving DBSK and it was really quite touching to see Hee Chul crying so openly. Makes me see him in a slightly different light.
When she first appeared on the show Star King- click here
To see Hee Chul cry and being touched by this little girl- click here
I like these 3 clips the best. I know I’m probably a little late and all their fans would have watched the clips by now, but it was the first time for me..so humour me.
DBSK cooking for her- click here
DBSK performing with on the show, Chocolate- click here
DBSK & Super Junior Happy with Ye Eun, click here
For her event at Assisi Hospice on the 7th December, she will be singing together with Lee An. It’s great of them to spread a little warmth during festive season. You can help to spread more warmth by making a $10 donation for a lightbulb on the tree in front of the Hospice. Lee An will also be doing a solo performance on the 4th December at the Mt Alvernia hospital at 7pm.

Ok..remember to be generous in your donation for the charity event on the 6th December as well as the Christmas tree, ok? It’s the season to be generous. ^^
Hi Ms Tiffany!
I got excited when I saw the ads on television about her performing here for a cause. I saw her first with DBSK in Chocolate. Their perfomance of You raise me up is very touching =)
and when DBSK visited her at her house is fun ;p She's shy at first then she became at ease with DBSK.
I want to see her =)
Hi Zarah
Sorry for this late reply. Hope you got to see her perform on TV. Yes, I did like that clip when DBSK went to her house.