Mr Jang Hyuk is set to sweep into Singapore on Monday, 17th January. This will be his second time here. He was last here in 2007 for the filming of ‘Dance of the Dragon’. No,no, he is not filming any movie here this time. He will however, be talking about his latest drama- ‘Midas’, which is scheduled to air in Korea on 21st February, SBS. It is a drama about M&A, about shady deals, about the corporate world, about love, about morals etc. What’s strange is that he is actually here to promote a drama that is not even on air yet. Hmm… well… SPE Networks (Sony Entertainment Pictures) will be launching a brand new channel in Singapore very, very, very soon. Can’t write more at the moment as there is no official press release yet.
BIG HINT: it is Korean related. Of course. So are the above 2 related, let’s wait and see. Hang on tight to this site, I’ll be back next week for more news on this very special event. To read more about my previous contact with Jang Hyuk and the Dancing Dragons, click on the link below:
Jang Hyuk Dancing in Singapore
Latest update on Jang Hyuk
Dancing with Jang Hyuk in Singapore
Dancing with Jason Scott Lee in Singapore
Jang Hyuk dancing in a ….foodcourt
Jang Hyuk……dancing
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