Whilst I’m still recovering from this Shinhwa fever, it got me to thinking about some of the popular boy bands in Korea.
Usually, boy bands only last for a short while before they disband, often for the very simple reason that both the band members and the fans themselves have grown up. Anyway, here are some bands or groups that I like.
I first heard them last year at the April Snow concert in Korea and they blew me away. I absolutely love their voices and have since bought all their albums. They’ve got a very unique voice.
Their MVs, as with most Korean MVs, are really lavish, almost like a mini story. Kim Dong Wan (from Shinhwa), is in one of the MV for their latest album, 3rd Masterpiece. Wonder how Dong Wan feels about being an actor in a MV instead of being a singer. hehe!
PARTNER FOR LIFE– starring Kim Dong Won!
This 2 boy band was actually formed in 1999, something that I wasn’t aware of. Can’t remember how I got to know about them…I guess it must be whilst I was surfing the net and talking to other K Music lovers. Though Fly To The Sky is still together as a group, just like Shinhwa, the 2 boys, Brian and Fanny are both pursuing their own career separately at the same time. Fanny recently appeared in the drama, ‘Over the Rainbow’. Must say they are both rather quite cute.
Sigh… this band disbanded last year…. after I discover them. It was only after watching ‘Goong-ęłµ’ that I became aware of the group. Kim Jung Hun was acting in this very popular drama as the other prince. He was really good looking in it, especially with his sad, puppy looking eyes. That got me curious about him, and as the only thing I know about him was the fact that he was a ex UN member, I did a little research. The rest, as they say, is history. Their last album, Goodbye and Best is really very good as it contains some of their best songs.
I’ve not really listen to this group though one of my Korean friend was actively promoting them to me. I guess I am a little hesitant because they really, really look very young.. Yeah, I know. I can hear bb saying now: “When has that stopped me?” True. Nevertheless, they seemed to hold less appeal for me.
Now I know this group is super hot in Korea now. They have 13 members and I can only recognize one of them. I look at the rest and I’m going like…who is who? Apparently, they are all very talented. Hmm… don’t you think they look a little like members from SS501? (Ok, fans of both groups, don’t kill me.)
Oh, you can watch one of their mv, U and decide if you like them.
TVXQ is popular in Korea and Asia. Though I’m not sure why I keep thinking of them as either a Japanese or Chinese band. Unfortunately, errr… I got no interest in them leh. Can anyone tell me if they are any good?
Hehehe! And introducing the latest boy band, schedule to debut officially soon in Korea. They opened the act for Shinhwa’s Singapore concert. Rather good voice. Let’s see if they are able to make it in the competitive Korean music scene.
Enjoy their MV, Crime
Actually, there are many, many other bands in Korea but I’m no expert in this field, so I better stop blogging. Must ask Jos as she knows more than. Besides, I think I’ve got more than enough to handle on my list already. ^^
i know this is an old one, but hm.. the pic you posted for TVXQ is wrong. Haha that’s actually ss501 members…….^^; anyways it doesn’t really matter thoough.
Yes…you’re right…I posted the wrong pic… will rectify that shortly…
Thanks for pointing out to me. ^^